Calling All College Students

Joan Beaudry Memorial Education Award

Joan was a longtime Biddeford Pool resident and passionate educator. This award was created in her memory to provide assistance for any college student who has ties to Biddeford Pool Community Center. Applicants’ immediate family shall be members of BPCC (grandchildren of active members are also eligible).

Candidates interested in applying MUST have applications completed and submitted no later than JUNE 1st, or forfeit eligibility for the year.

View and download complete eligibility guidelines here.

The Award Application includes a 500 word essay describing personal goals and objectives and addressing what the student perceives his/her role in the community to be. All award recipients will be asked to give back to the Biddeford Pool community by completing some community service (minimum 2 hours). Complete and email the Community Service form once your hours are finished. A sample list of volunteer opportunities is also available here.

The forms are fillable PDF forms from a laptop or desktop, with the exception of the required signature. Once your forms are completed and downloaded, this tool can be utilized to electronically sign the necessary forms to be emailed, or you can print, sign and mail or email.

It is your responsibility to make sure all documents are submitted on time. Please refer to the Scholarship Application Checklist to ensure you meet all the required deadlines.

The amount of the award is based on available funds and will be no more than $1,000 per year.

Any questions can be directed to co-chairs Tracy Callahan and Greg Tarbox.